
The Ripple Effect

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 

Mother Teresa

Lives Forever Changed

Today (05/08/2020) is the 29th anniversary of the death of a great woman. Opal Corn Myers lived in an Appalachian back-mountain area about seven miles from Del Rio, Tennessee. She wasn’t famous or rich or, for that matter, even known outside her community, but yet she made a difference in my life and the lives of hundreds of others.

Opal Corn Myers
Opal Corn Myers

When we first met, she was a retired school teacher, in her mid 60’s and I was in my early 30’s. Despite the 34-year age difference, we soon became friends. She was like my second mama – my example, and my inspiration. Amazingly, although we came from two different worlds, we had much in common, especially, our love of the coves and crannies of her mountain community and our devotion to Jesus.

As I look back over the many years that have passed, I can see the ripple effect she had while alive and even continues to have today through the lives she touched as well as those who have been inspired by my book about her life.

Ripple after ripple washed through her small community and the surrounding areas as she simply lived life and loved people. She didn’t push her faith on others or attempt to make them change. Her genuine acceptance and unconditional love somehow gave them the desire to make those changes. Seeing Jesus’ love humbly demonstrated, many accepted Him and He became their Hope. It’s amazing how many of those, in turn, reached out to help others.

I want to share with you one of my favorite RIPPLE EFFECT stories from Letters to Lori – the story of Jettie. Poverty, neglect, abuse, and molestation, that’s all 12-year-old Jettie knew. Read how Opal’s love and attention changed the outcome of Jettie’s life.

A loving investment in one child’s life changed the destiny of generations to come.

“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

U. S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy

Celebrating a Life Well Spent!

1 thought on “The Ripple Effect”

  1. Fascinating story of the people and traditions of the mountain people. Amazing what teachers were expected to put up with and the limited tools to effectively do their jobs. Compare and contrast with today.and what people think is required to get an education. The faith exhibited by Opal was pure and simple. Loved the book so much I bought a copy for my sister and a good friend.

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